Sunday, January 8, 2012

My Big Girl

I can't believe how big H is getting. It seems like just yesterday she was "failing to thrive." Then, Friday night she went and lost her first tooth! Well, let me yank out her first tooth! We don't do the Tooth Fairy at our house. We don't put our teeth under our pillows and hope for money. Not out of any malice against the tooth fairy. We just don't do it.

Funny story... Haroon let the kids watch Hellboy 2. In the film, the "tooth fairies" are actually terrifying. So, If you asked my kids if the tooth fairy came into their room while they were sleeping, they'd freak out and probably scream!!

In lieu of money under their pillows for teeth, we let the kids pick out a toy or some such item they want that's about $10 when they lose their first tooth. In the long run, our kids are not getting as much as everyone else, but they don't seem to notice!!

Hafsa picked out a shoe decorating kit. It came with puffy paint, glitter, sequins, fabric pens, stencils and stamps... I was actually quite impressed with the quality and variety. I figured she'd go for a Barbie. Nope, my girl likes to do her own thing. Marches to the beat of her own drum, etc. (I wonder where that could possibly come from?!) I figured painting and markering her shoes would be a better pastime than the ceiling, bed frame, toy kitchen, floor, table, every available surface drawing she's been doing lately. She pretends she doesn't do it, but they boys would never write anything they didn't have to and I doesn't know how to write yet. And I know *I* didn't do it, and I'm pretty sure Haroon didn't write on the ceiling!! Do they make dry erase paint?!

Well. The blogging continues. Until it stops, I guess. Thanks for reading this far down.

1 comment:

Bridgett said...

Two things: I love getting to know H in art class. And secondly, the phrase, "Haroon let the kids watch Hellboy 2" sounds like such a familiar beginning to stories in my house as well.