Saturday, December 31, 2011

Magic House and a resolution to blog...

Well, thanks to a Christmas gift from my mom, we are now members of the Magic House. I've always envied people wearing the purple "we're members" stickers. Now, in my head at least, we are the envied ones!! We went Monday and Friday this week. We had a good time. It's really nice not having to rush through everything or even have to get to everything in a day. Monday we spent time in the government and construction part and didn't even go there Friday.

On Monday, I was trying to get O to come out of the giant climbing tree... O, who loves nothing more than to ignore adults. O, oh O... this lady said something to him. He walks away from her. I go "get" him. As we walk away I hear her tell her son... "oh, no wonder he didn't listen to me, he didn't understand me." *Translation* THAT MUSLIM LADY DOES NOT SPEAK ENGLISH. THEREFORE, HER SON DOES NOT SPEAK ENGLISH. THAT MUST BE WHY HER SON DIDN'T LISTEN TO ME." I felt a little guilty for just smiling a bit and walking away.

Friday was much more hectic and I braved it alone, without Haroon. Possibly a mistake. Possibly set a precedence that I am somehow able to manage all four by myself. We had fun. We got to go up to the "old" part. My favorite part. Especially, the room where you jump up and the Much more strict, stay next to me, no you can't go off by yourself, I don't care what dad lets you do kind of fun. But, fun still! I look forward to many more trips this year. Many, many, many more trips.

1 comment:

Bridgett said...

Maybe you just didn't speak snotty west county.

I want you to keep blogging.